What Is the Recovery Time?

Hysterectomy Surgery FAQ

Questions regarding the recovery time for a hysterectomy are among the most common concerns women voice when considering this procedure. While there is a general recovery period you can expect, your recovery will also be impacted by your particular condition, the type of hysterectomy surgery performed, and other personal factors. Your doctor can provide you with detailed information about what you can expect in your unique case. Generally, however, you can expect the following when it comes to recovering from a hysterectomy:

Vaginal and Abdominal Hysterectomy Surgery 
Standard surgical procedures such as vaginal and abdominal hysterectomy typically have a recovery period of four to six weeks. During this time you will be advised to avoid certain activities, particularly anything strenuous. Depending on the circumstances, you may also be required to stay in the hospital for observation for a few days after the procedure. Your recovery time may additionally depend on other factors, including whether the procedure was a partial or total hysterectomy, your condition, and your age. You may also need some assistance during the initial stages of your recovery, so it's important to plan ahead and make sure you have a good support system in place.

Minimally Invasive Hysterectomy Surgery 
Innovative techniques and surgical procedures, such as laparoscopic-assisted abdominal hysterectomy and robotic hysterectomy, may allow for faster recovery. As minimally invasive procedures, these surgeries may require no hospital stay and may allow patients to recover in as little as two to four weeks.

As mentioned above, recovery periods may differ on an individual basis. In addition to understanding what you can expect as far as recovery time, it is also important to understand the risks of surgery, the side effects of hysterectomy, and what you can generally expect during your life after a hysterectomy. If you have any questions regarding what you can expect after your particular procedure, please fill out a contact form.