Before a Hysterectomy

Questions to Ask Before Hysterectomy Surgery

As a hysterectomy can certainly be a stressful experience, taking steps to understand the procedure, what to expect, and whether it is right for you should always be a priority. From weighing all of your available options and alternative treatments to considering the ways in which this procedure can affect your life physically and emotionally, it becomes clear that there is much to think about before making a decision. At, we provide a wealth of information for women beginning their journey toward better health and happiness. You can visit various links on our hysterectomy page to learn more about the various conditions this procedure is used to treat, the different types of hysterectomy surgeries that may be used, and what can be expected after the procedure.

By educating yourself about hysterectomy surgery, you can become better prepared to make the best and most appropriate decision possible. As informative as these pages may be, however, hysterectomy surgery is ultimately a personal decision that should be made after individualized consideration and discussion with your doctors. It is, and always will be, your choice. As such, discussing the procedure and various personal factors important to you will always be the prominent hallmark in your decision-making process. Speaking candidly with your doctor is an excellent way to gain information relating specifically to your situation and concerns. The following topics and questions should always be considered before choosing to undergo a hysterectomy:

Alternative Treatments

Although your available treatment options will always be influenced by your unique condition, it is important to consider all available alternatives. With new innovative technology, hysterectomy surgery may certainly be avoided through less invasive and less painful means. As involved as this procedure can be, many women elect to undergo other treatment options in order to see if relief can be found without the need for invasive surgery. Your doctor, and others, can help you establish and vet all treatment approaches available to you.

Second Opinion

It is strongly encouraged that all women who have been told that a hysterectomy may be an option seek a second medical opinion. This includes having another doctor provide you with a diagnostic opinion about your condition and available treatment options.

Your Condition

As mentioned, your condition will largely dictate your options and whether a hysterectomy is a viable treatment approach. Some conditions, as well as their nature and scope, may make a hysterectomy a medical necessity, whereas other conditions may only make it an option. It is best to ask your doctor how your particular condition can be treated, why a hysterectomy should be considered, and whether it can be avoided with other treatment alternatives.

Fertility, Hormones, and Emotional Repercussions

Anyone considering a hysterectomy should be fully aware of both the physical risks of surgery and the emotional risks of having certain female reproductive organs removed. Your age, lifestyle, and personal choices will factor largely in your decision. After undergoing a hysterectomy, you will no longer be able to bear children, which is something potential mothers and younger patients should consider carefully. Additionally, having the ovaries removed will cause you to undergo menopause sooner than expected, and some women may require hormone replacement therapy.

Understand Life After a Hysterectomy

Understanding all risks and side effects can aid you in evaluating how this procedure will impact your life. Hysterectomies are not reversible, and you should always keep this in mind when considering all aspects of the procedure and its repercussions. As most cases are not immediate medical emergencies, you will have time to thoroughly consider undergoing a hysterectomy and your life after the procedure. You may also find various support groups, additional information, and numerous resources to help you make your decision.

In addition to addressing these issues with your doctor, you may also find it beneficial to consult other medical professionals. Additionally, speaking with women who have undergone this procedure can help you better understand life after hysterectomy and what you can expect. At the end of the day, we know that a hysterectomy surgery should always be assessed on an individual basis. This is why we encourage women and families to complete a contact form so that a specialist can help you gain more insight into this procedure and your personal situation. Ask questions, voice concerns, and receive the support you need as you navigate this experience.