Hysterectomy Surgery

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A hysterectomy, the surgical removal of the uterus, is the second most common surgery for females after cesarean section (C-section). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the United States has the highest rate of hysterectomy surgeries in the world, with more than 600,000 hysterectomies performed each year. Additional statistics confirm that there are approximately 20 million American women who have had a hysterectomy and that roughly one in every three women will have a hysterectomy by the age of 60.

Although these statistics show that hysterectomies are common, prolific procedures, the data fall short of demonstrating just how little the general public, women with treatable conditions, and the medical community know about the procedure and its various uses. The fact remains that although hysterectomies can provide substantial relief from pain and symptoms, it is a serious medical procedure that has deeply personal, emotional, and poignant effects on the lives of women. This being the case, anyone considering a hysterectomy should make a point of seeking information that can aid them in their decision process and in their efforts to find alternative treatments. If you are one of the millions of American women currently considering a hysterectomy to treat your condition, then you will find the following information to be a valuable resource you can rely on as you navigate this journey.

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Alternative Treatments 
As a hysterectomy is such a life-changing procedure and experience, women should always explore their available alternative options and available treatments. Today, a number of new technologies afford medical professionals the ability to provide safe and effective treatment and results without the need for a hysterectomy.

Basics of Undergoing a Hysterectomy 
While hysterectomy surgery is a matter that should always be addressed on an individual basis, there are some basics of undergoing the procedure that all women should be familiar with before proceeding. Learn about the reasons for a hysterectomy, the various types of hysterectomy procedures, and what you should know about the recovery process.

Before a Hysterectomy 
Being well informed when considering a hysterectomy is essential to improving your ability to make the right decision that fits your situation. At Hysterectomy.com, we help women and families weigh all aspects inherent to this procedure and provide the information and support that can help you ask questions, prepare for what to expect, and successfully navigate the decision-making process before a hysterectomy.

Life After a Hysterectomy 
A hysterectomy has the potential to affect women in numerous and significant ways. Although physical, sexual, and emotional side effects make like after a hysterectomy a new experience, women who prepare for what they can expect often find that they are able to successfully navigate their new lives with a happier, healthier, and more positive outlook.

Recovering From Surgery 
As a hysterectomy is a serious medical procedure, the recovery process may entail hospital stays and anywhere from two to six weeks of recuperation. In addition to physical rehabilitation, women recovering from hysterectomy surgery will also need to see their way through the emotional impact of the process as they adjust to life after this serious procedure.

How to Avoid Hysterectomy Surgery 
As awareness and knowledge about hysterectomies and the various medical conditions the procedure treats begins to grow, viable options for avoiding hysterectomy surgery are now available. From prevention, symptom awareness, and early detection to new minimally invasive alternatives, women can now better explore the ways in which to avoid this life-changing procedure.

Hysterectomy Risks 
Any type of hysterectomy surgery is a serious medical procedure. As such, women will always face inherent risks. While safe, this procedure may pose surgical complications that include infection and blood loss, as well as emotional and sexual side effects resulting from hormonal changes.

Types of Hysterectomy Surgeries 
A hysterectomy can be performed using various methods, techniques, and technology. Whether it is a partial hysterectomy (only the upper portion of the uterus is removed) or a total hysterectomy (the entire uterus is removed), these procedures can be performed differently. Common types include vaginal and abdominal hysterectomy, as well as minimally invasive procedures such as laparoscopic-assisted hysterectomy and robotic hysterectomy.

Reasons for a Hysterectomy 
Although hysterectomies may often be a matter of personal choice, they are used to treat a number of various female reproductive conditions and diseases. The reasons for a hysterectomy will also play a role in the type of procedure used. Endometriosis, uterine fibroids, uterine cancer, uterine prolapse, and adenomyosis are common reasons why hysterectomy may be used.

Find the Information, Support, and Resources You Need

Hysterectomy.com was created to provide women and families across the country with the information, network of support, and resources needed to better navigate the experience of considering and / or undergoing this serious medical procedure. If you have been recently diagnosed with a condition that may be treated by a hysterectomy, then use the information on this website to gain a better understanding about your particular condition, the hysterectomy procedure, and your available treatment options.

Ultimately, whether or not you undergo a hysterectomy will always be your choice. At Hysterectomy.com, we want you to be equipped with the knowledge to better understand your options so that you can make your choice with confidence. This is why we encourage anyone interested in finding individualized information from a certified specialist to complete our contact form. Voice questions and concerns that relate specifically to your unique situation. Receive the answers and support you need.